Monday 23 June 2014


It's the 2nd decade of the 21st century going doubt we are miles away from what we were in way back 1947. It's really good to notice that our country has stood on its own leg after going through 2 centuries in other's rule and regime.

But still there are some very important topics which our country needs to act upon soon.Other than problems like terrorism and corruption one very important but forgotten matter is neglect towards education system.
Isn't it surprising to see that a country which aspires of becoming a powerful and developed nation in the near future is allowing pest and parasites like reservation in education system????


I strictly feel  that its high time that we should abolish this rule, our leaders had made this feature included only to uplift the deprived and not to support them all the way through their life and pushing down the eligible and more deserving candidate.
education is a field which should be kept away from this dirty politics, there are  many methods of uplifting the backwards but what's the use of forcefully stopping a group and boosting another?

The only outcome which will come out of this practice is that the group which is called minority will become the majority and vice versa. And I may add that this day is not far away when the situation will turn a full circle.
we must help a backward group but overall support will not make them strong rather they will get weak by not having the practice to struggle to what they get.
A good government should help every group in such a way that everyone is prepared for a healthy competition in the long run, giving a upper hand to some group means we are defacing our own face in the global face i.e if we keep aside the better one to give way to the one from backward class but less deserving it's evidently a public show of discrimination!!!
in a bid to stop discrimination to one or many groups the good willed feature has started discrimination against another group!! Surely the purpose for which this was introduced it's not fulfilled.
we should as responsible citizens raise our voices!!!


My voice, My soul and My conscience are all strictly against this cheap vote gathering scheme of political parties and everyone should realize this lest that day is not far when the circle will complete a full cycle!!!